Sõnastikud ja terminibaasid
Key terminology at your fingertips
We gather key vocabulary from your content and build a customised glossary tailored to your project or organisation to ensure everyone uses the same language. With website localisation or international projects, a multilingual glossary will support clear and consistent communication across languages. Your key terminology is brought together in one well-structured language resource complete with definitions or translations, so your team and stakeholders can easily keep up to date and stay consistent. Made available in the cloud, your glossary is an invaluable tool for collaborating in real time.
All your key terminology in one place
Structured term entries tailored to your needs
Cloud access for real-time collaboration
Integreeritav terminitööriist
Süsteemselt koostatud terminibaas teeb mitmekeelse sisu haldamise lihtsaks. Erinevalt näiteks tabelisse koondatud tõlkesõnastikust sisaldab terminibaas täpseid mõistekirjeid ja ühildub tõlketarkvaraga. Kiired terminiotsingud ja automaatsed kontrollfunktsioonid vähendavad oluliselt tõlkimisele ja toimetamisele kuluvat aeg ja tagavad ühtlase kvaliteedi. Hästi hooldatud pilvepõhine terminibaas toob õige terminoloogia reaalajas kõigi kasutajateni. Automaatselt salvestatavad mõistekirjete metaandmed, sh autor, kommenteerijad, kontekst ja kirje olek aitavad terminibaasi hõlpsasti hallata.
Pilvepõhine sõnastik ja lisaks:
täpsed metaandmed
tõlketarkvaraga ühilduvus
automaatne terminikontroll
Terminibaasi haldamine
Stay in control of your language requirements
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We offer ongoing support to keep your existing termbase up-to-date and finely tuned. Our dedicated team updates and corrects existing entries based on ongoing projects and your feedback. We add new entries from your evolving projects, ensuring your terminology remains aligned with your needs. We maintain open communication with you, coordinating any new requirements or updates seamlessly. With termbase management, you can trust that your linguistic assets are always current, facilitating smooth, precise and efficient multilingual projects. Enjoy linguistic precision without the hassle, as your termbases evolve with your needs.
Your ideal starting point for language assets
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Whether you’re building a glossary for an ongoing project or checking the consistency of past translations, terminology extraction is your ideal starting point. Using specialist software, we scan and analyse your existing content to extract a comprehensive list of key terminology. The extracted terms can be integrated into language resources, such as a termbase, translation memory or style guide, and plugged into various software tools to run automated consistency checks, produce faster and more reliable translations, and enhance your terminology management.
The backbone of linguistic quality
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Terminology checks are a vital step in linguistic quality assurance, ensuring that your text meets the highest quality standards and your specific requirements. Using advanced terminology extraction and related language assets, we verify linguistic accuracy and consistency in your content more efficiently than a manual review, all the while making sure that powerful software and automation are backed by the equally crucial linguistic expertise and critical thinking of our reviewers.